Friday, September 08, 2006

Baby Fish On The Way

We have a pregnant guppy! My daughters are very excited about it, but they're not happy with the decision to not separate mom just prior to her dropping (delivering) her fry (babies). It's possible for the new mother, as well as the other fish in the tank, to eat the new fry. There are varying opinions on the subject of separating the fry or letting nature takes its course and allow them to remain in the main tank with the rest of the fish community. Some experienced fish hobbyists believe that as long as the fry have enough places to hide, some will survive. Because we don't want an overcrowded tank, that is the approach we've decided to least for this first delivery (guppies tend to have MANY pregnancies).

We are excited about the impending delivery. I honestly have no idea when she will deliver, but I'm guessing within one to two weeks.


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